Scenario 2

Riki the Monkey


Where am I!? I woke up to a crazy girl rubbing my stomach, asking if I was a Genie or Monkey King, while also demanding a wish! However, a jewelled medallion did pop out of me! But it was already too late to put it back, as I had already jumped out a window to escape from my captor! Luckily, I can float…who knew!? I then found myself in a strange place with pebbles and children climbing metal structures! I think one may have called it a “jungle gym”? 

But what traumatized me the most, was when a random girl appeared from the shadows, and started shooting fireballs at me! Who has a gun that shoots fireballs!? Thankfully, the pink haired girl from before rescued me just before I was hit. But now we’re both in trouble! Wait…I feel strange…I remember something…I think you can save us! You, pink haired girl, use that medallion and yell “Crown Accession!”

Add In These Cards To Each Deck:

Pink Deck

Green Deck

Episodic Formula
Set Sail Conquest of a New World!?
A Magical Coronation!?

Orange Deck

Light Element
Fire Element
Transmute Element
Impenetrable Shield
Force Barrier

Starting Information:

All Character Cards have their abilities removed.

The Hero Player starts with Princess Pomelo, A Cute Friend a New Power, and Enchanted Armor in their hand.

The Villain Player starts with a Sharp Shooter Sazera on their team. Sazera has 7 HP and 3 SP. You go first.

Win Conditions:

Heroes: Defeat Sazera with Princess Pomelo.

Villains: Defeat Princess Pomelo with Sazera while using an element card.